Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Coffee Club Thursday, April 16 - Better your business through better people skills

Dominance. Influence. Steadiness. Conscientiousness. These traits make up the DISC personality assessment, influencing the way we interact with others and determining the success rate of our relationships and our business.

If you've ever wanted to know how your personality affects your business (or potential business) join us Thursday at Coffee Club as we welcome Bob Hopper, Certified DISC Trainer, to present "Ways to Better Your Business By Using Better People Skills."

Coffee Club this month is sponsored by Rinaldi's Air Conditioning Service. Celebrating their 40th Anniversary, Rinaldi's has been providing friendly and quality A/C services to the residents of Central Florida since 1969. To learn more about what Rinaldi's can do for you, click here today.

Coffee Club meets every Thursday from 8:30-9:30am at the Airport Marriott. 7499 Augusta National Drive. Parking at the Marriott is $5.00 for all cars. Visit us online at to learn more.
_________________________________________________________________________________ April 16 - THIS Thursday - Defining Your Unique Selling Proposition Seminar What sets your business apart from the competition? Why should a customer go to you instead of next door? Is it price? Is it service? Is it something entirely different? If you are unsure of the answer, then you need help defining your unique selling proposition. Learn from the pros following Coffee Club

THIS THURSDAY on April 16 in a limited seating marketing seminar event. Following Coffee Club, 10-11am a discussion led by Insight Marketing Group President, Jennifer Thompson.
Cost is $15. RSVP today to

1 comment:

  1. When people learn about their own DiSC profile, they would find themselves in a position wherein they're more comfortable to interact with other people within their surroundings.
